Nerds unite! I loved talking with you. Thank you for inviting me to do so 🩶

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Heading over to the Podcast right now. Love Amy. Can't wait to hear the interview. Also love the idea of a soundtrack. Hmmmm?

Amy already knows this, but I'm in a bit of an odd position. Former ME/CFS patient. I don't use the word 'former' lightly (ME/CFS and Long-COVID are both syndromes defined by diagnoses of exclusion - with a little luck, someday everyone will be diagnosed with something else). Watching this play out from the sidelines as opposed to the being on the field.

My very best to all ME/CFS and Long-COVID folks. My heart goes out to all of you! Hang in there and don't stop fighting.

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Hi Shayne! Thanks so much for tuning in and for your support! Sending you all the best vibes, too!

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Jul 23·edited Jul 23

I love music and what a great way to express ourselves in your playlist. Thanks for setting this up. Heading over to listen now and podcast is next when I have the energy!

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Can’t wait to give this a listen!

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